Friday, April 17, 2015

Ode: A child

Life is fun.
Life… me.
Life is sometimes a big deal, a very big deal.
Sometimes it ain’t no big deal
And I can’t see what all the fuss is about.

I can see things you can’t see
Or don’t want to see
I don’t know if you know this
And sometimes I don’t even care whether you know
Sometimes I wish with all my heart that you could see,
Especially at those times when I can’t tell you.
But it’s okay if you don’t.

Do you see something about me?
I do. There are a few people who do.
I don’t know who they all are but I know some of them.
Some tell me. Most don’t.
I don’t care as long as they see.

This is a beautiful world
And this life is a thing full of deep feelings
But to see this you need eyes. My eyes, maybe.
I’m afraid many don’t have my eyes. It’s okay.
If you did have my eyes, you would see
That life always passes by when you’re not looking.
Some call me a dreamer. Maybe that’s what I am.
But I see life passing by and I can see all its colours.
Some colours, in fact most, are wildly and exhilaratingly vivid and iridescent.
Others are full of the hues of sunset. Warm, maybe, but ultimately sad.
I’m just thankful for the colours, whatever they are.

Sometimes I feel alone, but not in a lonely or sad way.
Sometimes I feel utterly alone in a devastatingly lonely way.
When I’m happy alone, I just wonder why everyone can’t see what I see
When I’m lonely alone, I wish more than ever that someone would actually see what I see.
Some do see and I am thankful for them.
Those who don’t see, well, it’s not their fault.

Life has a few words.
There is such a word as ‘noble’.
Some things that are always going to be right
No matter who we are or where we find ourselves.
Some words about life mean many different things.
‘Beautiful’ doesn’t always mean that we can see it.
But if we did really wish in our hearts to see,
We would.
Beautiful also means pretty.
Pretty is when I feel good about myself in a noble way
And when I am not thinking only of myself.
Maybe sometimes people are looking at me just like they see life passing by,
Those times when they do see.

Maybe I try to be those things I like.
The colours of life.
Sunrises. Flowers. Rain. Sunsets. Summer sun. Beaches.
The mountains. Snowflakes. The unending sea.
The happy skipping doggies.
It’s simple, really, when I think of it
Sometimes I can capture all of the things I love
In a smile. In the wind in my hair.
I’m very thankful that it’s simple
Because sometimes I know that for many, it is anything but simple.

I remember when I see life passing by.
I can’t forget. Guess that’s just me.
I need to remember the good things
So that I can be them.
Because sometimes I just get the feeling this isn’t a good world,
And we made it that way.
So I try to be part of the good things.
So people can see the good things all the time.
They need to.

So if you’re reading this,
I’ll ask you to remember
If you’ve seen me you’ll never say the world is a bad place
Or that life is only a thing of sorrow
Maybe you will ask where I came from
And maybe you’ll go ask The One from Whom I really came
And when you do, my work here’s done.