Monday, December 15, 2008

The Smokescreen

A collision on the highway.

He wondered why he hadn't seen anyone coming.

Come to think of it, lately, he hadn't been able to see too many things before they hit him. It began to worry him.

Then he met someone who told him that there was no way he could have seen things before they hit him. The person said, nothing is really what it seems to be - some problems with our eyes. There's also a veil, he said........

A veil. A few things we're allowed to see; most things, we're not. Our eyes are open, but unseeing. We hear things, but cannot listen. We touch things, but we're unfeeling. We know things, but cannot understand them. We can go to the ends of the world, and not move an inch towards our purpose. We can make this a small planet, and still have to go round the world to reach another's heart. We can.....gain the whole world and still lose our souls. Funny....he remembered that from somewhere, someone. What did it mean, though ?

The smokescreen gets stronger........


  1. Good to see you're writing regularly Gen, way to go!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Like I said in my profile, I hope this place brings some peace to your heart......

  3. I am worried. For reasons I do not know, for years I have not seen. Yet, I worry.
